
Access to the Phase 1 Garage

We apologize for the delay in getting information to you about when the Phase 1 garage will be available but we were waiting for important information before making an announcement.
Although the ramp itself is ready for traffic, there remains approximately 4 days of work at the entrance to the garage that must be completed before it can be opened. That work will commence Thursday, June 28 at 7:00 AM and we expect the garage to reopen on Monday or Tuesday at the latest unless we encounter unanticipated issues that cause a delay. Other work on the garage and ramp will follow but that will not affect access to the garage.
We will provide more details shortly but we just received the schedule from the contractor and wanted to share it with you.
The same 4 days of work to the entrance of the Phase 2 garage will also be necessary. Therefore, Phase 2 residents should be aware that the Phase 2 garage will also close for about 4 days – probably sometime early in August. We will inform you when the schedule becomes firm.


Hier était une bonne journée - Yesterday was a good day.


Tous les sonnettes d'alarme fonctionnent maintenant.
Les problèmes de Climatisation dans PH2 09s sont finalement résolus.

All alarm bells are functioning.
Air Conditioning problems in PH2 09s are finally solved.


Rampe / Ramp

Aujourd'hui, notre ingénieur a fourni un calendrier graphique du projet de réparation de rampe. Cela devrait donner une idée pourquoi le projet devrait être achevé à la fin de juin.

Today, our engineer provided a graphic schedule of the ramp repair project. This should provide an idea of why the project is expected to be completed at the end of June.

Ramp Schedule


Sonnette d'alarme - Alarm Bell

Succès – SUCCESS !!!
Le panneau d'alarme a été changé dans la phase 1 d'aujourd'hui et voilà, le système fonctionne - pour la plupart. Il-y-a 4 condos sur 36 qui montrent les erreurs sur le panneau, mais les autres semblent fonctionner. Nous sommes au courant d'un appareil défectueux et nous étudierons les autres erreurs le plus tôt possible.

Maintenant que la phase 1 a essentiellement réussi le test, la phase 2 suivra sous peu.

The alarm panel was changed in Phase 1 today and lo and behold, the system is working – mostly. There are 4 condos out of 36 that are showing errors on the panel but the others appear to be working. We are aware of one defective unit and will be tracking down the other errors ASAP.

Now that Phase 1 has mostly passed the test, Phase 2 will follow shortly.