
Who chooses what is posted?

Posting topics rests with the Board of Directors. Information will be general in nature and not mention specific units or names. We want to permit the co-owners who wish to have information a quick access to it.

Are posts bilingual?

Initially, they may not be but translation will be added very soon thereafter. If a comment is posted requiring a response, the answer will be in the language of the original comment.

How Do I Know That Something Has Been Posted to the Blog?

The easiest way is to subscribe to the blog. Use the E-mail subscription box on the left side of the screen.

What if a resident does not have internet access?

The purpose of this Blog is to make information available to as many people as possible. It’s not meant as a notification or announcement site. We plan to print copies of various posts during the month to make them available to residents without computers or internet access.

I posted a comment but I don’t see it.

This is because posts are moderated. The Board has no intention of blocking people from voicing their opinions. However we wish to ensure that proper respect and appropriate language is used by the participants.

I posted a question but have not received an answer

When official posts are made, they are automatically sent to all subscribers. Comments are only viewable when we log onto the Blog directly. We will try to ensure regular updates. If you have questions the best and fastest method of getting answers is by contacting the office.

The answer you posted to my question was vague and evasive.

The Blog is meant as a communications tool to provide an overview of events in the building. However it is a public forum and we do not wish to provide more detail than is necessary to individuals without an interest in our buildings As always, you may contact the office if you wish further information or have a specific question.

There are projects that I would like to see completed. Why are they not being done?

This is a concern best addressed to the manager. Ultimately, everything is a priority and we must choose an order in which to do things and where to place them in the budget. Rest assured that we wish the building to be the best that it can be and are working to do as much as possible while looking at ways to not increase costs.